
Tightening Knots

Those knots are tighter now. I am tense today in that unhealthy, verge of shutting down way. I feel something big stirring in my life, but I hesitate to divulge any details because I don't know them. All I do know is that my mind has been racing the past few days. I am talking fast- forward, back and forth, running in circles racing. I don't know what is stirring, and whenever I try to talk about it I tend to contradict myself every couple of minutes, because I am little confused about what it is.

I feel pressure. Pressure to make some big decision. Pressure to say "yes" or "no" or "I have a dream" or "Here is my vision" or something that is decisive and different and changes my life and the lives of those around me, or those who I wish to be around.

Today could be a big day. I appreciate your prayers as I have some important conversations coming my way. I really just want to be a simple Christ follower, but the transition from where I am to simplicity seems anything but simple.

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Chris said...

"...the transition from where I am to simplicity seems anything but simple."

That's one of the most profound little statements I've read lately. I'll throw a prayer up for you as I sense similar "pressure" in my own life. Isn't it boggling to know how drastic our lives could change by making one simple decision but lacking the courage or clarity to pull the trigger is nearly paralyzing.

myoldblog2009 said...

Same here dude - Kelsie and I really want to stay in Boston, but it remains impossible without the Providence of God. We continue to listen, make connections, and be just a little anxious about where we are going to be.

do it.